At our monthly auctions you can be sure that there are timeless treasures awaiting discerning collectors and enthusiasts. Our auctioneers curate an exquisite array of items every month, here’s what you can expect:

  • Jewellery: Dazzling rings, necklaces, bracelets, and brooches.
  • Watches: Gents and Ladies watches from Rotary to Rolex.
  • Glass and Porcelain: Delicate glassware and intricately painted porcelains.
  • Stamps and Coins: We always feature stamps and coins from around the world.
  • Toys: From Dinky toys to model trains.
  • Militaria: Medals, uniforms, and wartime artifacts.
  • Collectables:  Whatever you collect, we are sure to have something for you.
  • Furniture: From ornate Victorian dressers to sleek modern chairs.